Quotable Quotes


"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable." -Aaron Copland

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge- Day Two

No offense to people who actually like Justina...Justin...Bieber, but I really dislike almost everything about his singing. I can't necessarily say that I like this song less than any other of his, but it's probably the best example of his (terrible) work, so I picked this one. And Justin Bieber is just another one of the young stars on conveyor belt of terrible worldly influences. Just like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Miley Cyrus (etc), what started out as an innocent (as much as anybody can be 'innocent' after the fall) kid was turned into a media attraction. And all the negative influences of the world are thrown at these stars with so much more strength, because they're in the spotlight. This isn't to say that he's doomed to fail, but he's certainly in a position to become a bad influence for the future generation (beyond the tween swooning that already happens).

"What's a bieber?"

"I dunno...kinda sounds like a girl."

Day 1- 3/29/11 (Favorite song) 'Everything' by Lighthouse
Day 2- 3/30/11 (Least favorite song) 'Baby' by Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris


  1. Hah! DJ, bethany and I were watching this. *cringe, cringe* anyway, and when the black guy comes on halfway through and start singing rap bethany says, "*laughs* That's the best singing I've heard so far!" XD XD

  2. Hehe, I couldn't agree more, and I typically dislike rap in general anyway.
