Quotable Quotes


"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable." -Aaron Copland

Monday, February 28, 2011

LIGHTS - Saviour

(Thanks to Mike for sharing the awesomeness that is Lights with me) So, where are you right now? And no, I don't mean your physical location...that would be slightly creepy of me. Are you on your knees, praying to the silence that the situation in will change somehow? All of us have the things that linger in the back of our head, calling us to them when we need something to rely in. We can deny that we're in pain to others, but we can inwardly be suffering through a great deal. Even if we feel like we can't share with those around us, we still need someone to talk to about our problems. And that's where our Saviour steps in.

He's the one that we can run to to break free from our chains, whatever they're holding us to. No matter how strong you are, sooner or later you'll need Him. But because He loves us so much, He won't force us to accept or love Him. Things will never change without you making the choice to run to Him.

However, the longer we stay rooted in our broken states, the harder it's going to be to break free and let go of the pain. When we don't give it to Him, the sin and brokenness turns to rust that makes it harder to move from where the pain took over. If we give it to Him, He'll stand us back up on our feet so we can keep going, even though we may often fall back down again. We can always rely on our Saviour to come for us, just like we'll always need His saving grace in our lives.

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