Quotable Quotes


"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable." -Aaron Copland

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fireflight- What I've Overcome

Welcome to the new year, and thanks for checking out my blog. Starting today, I'm going to be posting a new song every other day or so along with some thoughts I have. Maybe if you're lucky, the two will actually be related or something...you never know. I'd love it if you took the time to play this song and read through my notes as I start out this adventure.

Today's song is "What I've Overcome" by Fireflight, one of my favorite Christian groups. I picked this song because I just finished reading the book "Kiss" by Ted Dekker and there was a particular phrase that stuck out to me as I got to the end. "He wants you to remember who delivered you from that time, Shauna. That's the point of holding on to memory: delivery, not darkness...Perspective, not pain."

We know from Romans 8 that all things work out for good to those that truly love God, but it can be hard to remember that when we're in the midst of hardships and trials. One way of dealing with our challenges is to recognize that we become stronger through them, and that who we are is made by what we overcome, like my song of the day says. By staying strong through these ordeals, we become better people for it. Like unrefined gold that goes through the furnace, our imperfections and blemishes are drawn to the surface through these trials, so we can deal with them as God would have us. Sometimes, it may take a few trials to take these steps, but if we trust in Christ through the ordeal, we become more like Him for it.

So, next time you're dealing with something you don't think you have the strength for, just remember that you're never alone through it, even if there's only one pair of footprints in your sand. He will always give you the strength to endure if you ask Him, and you will come out of it a stronger person.

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