Quotable Quotes


"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable." -Aaron Copland

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Group 1 Crew - The keys to the Kingdom [HQ]

This song is pretty awesome. It has such a great scope and depth, and I think it has a really cool challenge in it. Every human was born with a sin nature, which means that we are by nature inclined to put our desires and pursuits in front of those of others. We fight like activists to protect those interests, even though it sometimes means hurting people we love.

Because of our sin, Christ had to come to the world and give His life so that we could be rescued from our hopeless ways of life. Now, almost 2000 years later, we wait for Him to return and usher us into His eternal kingdom in Heaven. Because of His gift, each of us that are saved by His grace now have the ability to spread the news of that kingdom. We have to make the choice to share His good news, despite the problems this might bring up.

This song speaks it plainly. Even the good times can turn quickly. Sometimes we'll face challenges in sharing the Gospel. But it's not enough just to know that God has a plan and to wait for Him to move. We have to stand up for our faith with boldness that only comes by God's grace. He will never ask us to do anything that He won't provide us the strength for.

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