Quotable Quotes


"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable." -Aaron Copland

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lifehouse- Hanging by a Moment

Are you tired of what the world has to offer? Fed up with the lies and deception that it always brings? You need: George Foreman's Lean Grilling Machine! No, it's a new cell phone...wait, it's that outfit that's super-popular! Yeah, that's it. Or so the world would have us believe. We're so caught up with 'that new thing' that we take what we have for granted, while three billion people live on less than two dollars a day, literally. The average middle class American family is in the top 2.4% of the world when it comes to annual income (~46,000$).

What happens when what we do with our money fails to satisfy us? Move on to the next thing? And what happens when the 'next thing' fails us too? We can keep repeating this futile cycle of buying things in hopes of them making us happy forever and never truly get what we want. Then what can we do to fulfill that need? How about a moment with God? Perhaps by giving up a small bit of our day to talking with God and reading His word, we can take a step closer to finding that fulfillment. Rather than worry about all that we're lacking, we should focus on what we do have now: a God who loves us for who we are, not for what we have. We're completely incomplete with Him in our lives...He works through our shortcomings and weaknesses, not only our financial status, although He can certainly use that as well.

I think that these small moments each day with Christ are enough to keep us moving when we're failed by the pleasures of this world. When you're running blindly through this world's vain delights, turn instead and chase after Christ and the life He lived. There's nothing else you can find in this world that can give you pure and true joy.

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